Legion Obscura #136
(too old to reply)
Jef Peckham
2010-08-29 02:20:47 UTC
Hi gang!

Two new books this week, and a look at Previews. Details follow the














In a blast from the past, the Legion comes back to the 21st Century to save
Superman. The twist? They are involved the whole issue, not just as a Deus
ex Machina type story ending.

In the previous issue, Luthor worked on some sort of cloning technology. In
the future, this clone appears, with some Green Kryptonite, and steals a
Time Bubble. By the time the Legion pursues him back to today, the clone
has already wounded Superman seriously. The Legion takes him to the Batcave
where Brainiac 5 conjures up some healing machine. The clone is then
pursued back to the past where it is trying to kill Superboy. The Legion
shows up in time to destroy the clone and save Superboy. Saturn Girl then
mindwipes the event from Superboy's mind, so he can suffer again as
Superman, or alternatively, so he does not remember the future Legion.


In the conclusion of their plotline, the Lightning Twins and Saturn Girl
rescue her children from Darkseid worshipers. Darkseid himself is not
involved. Earth-Man meets with the leaders and plotters of the xenophobic
faction, and tells them off. Could his attitude be changing? Naah, one of
the plotters is sure Earth-Man will come around when their plans are put
into effect. Also, a leadership election is called for "in a month". And,
curiously, Shadow Lass decides to hang around with Earth-Man, after querying
Brainiac 5 about the fail-safes he put into his ring, some of which have
been deleted by the Green Lantern ring he had briefly. The Green Lantern
searcher is sent back to Earth to find the new builder of the Corps.

Finally, looking at the new Previews, in addition to the two regular titles,
Adventure and Legion, there will be Legion appearances in three more
upcoming reprints: DC Comics Presents: Young Justice 2, Starman Omnibus 6,
and Superman: Last Stand of New Krypton 2 hardcover.

Until next time,
Jef Peckham
Archive Lad
(replace the #, dummy!)
2010-08-29 03:53:34 UTC
Saturn Girl then mindwipes the event from Superboy's mind, so he can
suffer again as Superman, or alternatively, so he does not remember
the future Legion.
Or, as Levitz has recently posited in this story and others, as well as
interviews and essays in various places, simply because she can. It's an
enormous ethical blind spot for her, going back to the early ADVENTURE
run, and one I hope Levitz intends to address in a meaningful way (i.e.,
not just show her exercising the perogative again and again, but dealing
with fallout from it) soon.
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"It's not that I want to punish your success. [...]I think
when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

-- The One, 14 Oct 08