Yeechang Lee
2008-07-17 09:22:52 UTC
Random thoughts that spring to mind as I once again reread my complete
_Legion Archives_ collection:
* Has anyone ever connected Cosmic Boy becoming the Time Trapper with
the Hag (AKA Mysa Nal)'s painting in _Adventure_ #351 prophesying
his future fate, which Miss Terious (AKA Dream Girl) prevented Rokk
from seeing as it was "too dreadful"? The _Zero Hour_-related final
pre-reboot storyline I don't believe referred to this, which in
retrospect is somewhat surprising given its numerous references to
Legion history great and small. (Note, also, that while we do see
the paintings for Ferro Lad (accurately predicting his pending death
via the Sun-Eater) and Miss Terious, but beyond Cosmic Boy's
painting we also don't see Matter-Eater Lad's. I would hope it's not
"He becomes fat" or "He gets drafted into politics.")
* Best Legion retcons:
* Validus as Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad's child. Credit here, of
course, goes to both Levitz and to the letter writer who suggested
early on that the two Legionnaires' progeny would have mental
* v3 #300's loving tribute to the Adult Legion stories that
elegantly established them as an alternate future.
* Laurel Gand substituting for Supergirl, and the broader notion
that a full-time Laurel performed a part-time Superboy and a very
part-time Supergirl's mighty feats in Legion history. I'd give
good money for a retelling of _Adventure_ #326's "The Revolt of
the Girl Legionnaires," by the way. Laurel needs to be shown
dancing crazily the way Supergirl and the other brainwashed
Legionnaires did in the original, of course.
* The pocket universe Superboy. About as good a patch for the
editorial-dictated lack of a Superboy post-_Man of Steel_ as could
be asked for.
* Brainiac 5 developing time travel because of Supergirl, knowing
all the time when she'd die. (Now that I think about it, this is
the one gap that Laurel Gand doesn't fill.) Explains a lot about
the two's history, even the Supergirl robot in _Superboy_ #204,
which really belongs in the next section.
* Legion retcons I like or am indifferent to (but understand others'
dislike for):
* Proty II inhabiting the revived Lightning Lad's body. Yes, it's a
TMKism, but it actually does explain Garth's erratic behavior,
starting with _Adventure_ #332's "The Super-Moby Dick of Space,"
and the notion that Imra fell in love with Garth/Proty when Garth
alone hadn't been enough to cause her to return his instant
infatuation with her doesn't trouble me.
* Cosmic Boy becomes the Time Trapper. It fits with Rokk's
long-established interest in history and the heroic age of
superheroes. The idea that his clumsy attempts to fix history
resulted in his villainy works, and is no worse than an
age-regressed Element Lad turning the Trapper's spaceship into candy.
* Fortress Lad. The story's moving pathos makes up for it, and the
premise is certainly no sillier than the Silver Age stories it
clearly paid tribute to.
* Worst Legion retcons/plot expositions (not in any particular order,
except the first, and not any old bad story/character, like
Dr. Mayavale or the Space Circus of Death):
* The Shvaughn/Sean profem nonsense. Wins by a country mile.
* Anti-Lad. Stupid, pointless story.
* The Legion taking drugs that greatly extended their
lifespans. Understandably never referred to again by Levitz, the
story's own writer.
* The cell bank that produces 24-hour clones. Again, never referred
to again.
* Eltro Gand inhabiting the revived Mon-El's body. I can't fully
explain why this TMKism doesn't work for me when Proty II is
acceptable; perhaps it's because I don't see anything particularly
erratic about Mon-El's behavior post-Eltro Gand except for the
very understandable reaction in v3 #23 to a forced return to the
Phantom Zone.
* R. J. Brande as a Durlan who is Chameleon Boy's father. Him being
a Durlan is OK, but Reep's father, to boot? I've always believed
the idea was born of the necessity of the otherwise-pointless
_Secrets of the LSH_ delivering some Big Secret, however
dubious. I do like TMK's story fleshing out the idea, though.
* v2 #295. The idea of Universo as a former Green Lantern quite
sound, tying in his undeniably-strong willpower. The story's
raison d'etre, to explain why Green Lanterns aren't allowed on
Earth (Or is it United Planets space? I can't recall; Rond Vidar
says in v3 #51 that he's staying out of the UP entirely.) is a
dumb one, one which the lame story does not redeem at all. (For
that matter, just where did the "no Green Lanterns allowed on
30th-century Earth" idea first appear, anyway? Was it this very
story, in fact?)
_Legion Archives_ collection:
* Has anyone ever connected Cosmic Boy becoming the Time Trapper with
the Hag (AKA Mysa Nal)'s painting in _Adventure_ #351 prophesying
his future fate, which Miss Terious (AKA Dream Girl) prevented Rokk
from seeing as it was "too dreadful"? The _Zero Hour_-related final
pre-reboot storyline I don't believe referred to this, which in
retrospect is somewhat surprising given its numerous references to
Legion history great and small. (Note, also, that while we do see
the paintings for Ferro Lad (accurately predicting his pending death
via the Sun-Eater) and Miss Terious, but beyond Cosmic Boy's
painting we also don't see Matter-Eater Lad's. I would hope it's not
"He becomes fat" or "He gets drafted into politics.")
* Best Legion retcons:
* Validus as Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad's child. Credit here, of
course, goes to both Levitz and to the letter writer who suggested
early on that the two Legionnaires' progeny would have mental
* v3 #300's loving tribute to the Adult Legion stories that
elegantly established them as an alternate future.
* Laurel Gand substituting for Supergirl, and the broader notion
that a full-time Laurel performed a part-time Superboy and a very
part-time Supergirl's mighty feats in Legion history. I'd give
good money for a retelling of _Adventure_ #326's "The Revolt of
the Girl Legionnaires," by the way. Laurel needs to be shown
dancing crazily the way Supergirl and the other brainwashed
Legionnaires did in the original, of course.
* The pocket universe Superboy. About as good a patch for the
editorial-dictated lack of a Superboy post-_Man of Steel_ as could
be asked for.
* Brainiac 5 developing time travel because of Supergirl, knowing
all the time when she'd die. (Now that I think about it, this is
the one gap that Laurel Gand doesn't fill.) Explains a lot about
the two's history, even the Supergirl robot in _Superboy_ #204,
which really belongs in the next section.
* Legion retcons I like or am indifferent to (but understand others'
dislike for):
* Proty II inhabiting the revived Lightning Lad's body. Yes, it's a
TMKism, but it actually does explain Garth's erratic behavior,
starting with _Adventure_ #332's "The Super-Moby Dick of Space,"
and the notion that Imra fell in love with Garth/Proty when Garth
alone hadn't been enough to cause her to return his instant
infatuation with her doesn't trouble me.
* Cosmic Boy becomes the Time Trapper. It fits with Rokk's
long-established interest in history and the heroic age of
superheroes. The idea that his clumsy attempts to fix history
resulted in his villainy works, and is no worse than an
age-regressed Element Lad turning the Trapper's spaceship into candy.
* Fortress Lad. The story's moving pathos makes up for it, and the
premise is certainly no sillier than the Silver Age stories it
clearly paid tribute to.
* Worst Legion retcons/plot expositions (not in any particular order,
except the first, and not any old bad story/character, like
Dr. Mayavale or the Space Circus of Death):
* The Shvaughn/Sean profem nonsense. Wins by a country mile.
* Anti-Lad. Stupid, pointless story.
* The Legion taking drugs that greatly extended their
lifespans. Understandably never referred to again by Levitz, the
story's own writer.
* The cell bank that produces 24-hour clones. Again, never referred
to again.
* Eltro Gand inhabiting the revived Mon-El's body. I can't fully
explain why this TMKism doesn't work for me when Proty II is
acceptable; perhaps it's because I don't see anything particularly
erratic about Mon-El's behavior post-Eltro Gand except for the
very understandable reaction in v3 #23 to a forced return to the
Phantom Zone.
* R. J. Brande as a Durlan who is Chameleon Boy's father. Him being
a Durlan is OK, but Reep's father, to boot? I've always believed
the idea was born of the necessity of the otherwise-pointless
_Secrets of the LSH_ delivering some Big Secret, however
dubious. I do like TMK's story fleshing out the idea, though.
* v2 #295. The idea of Universo as a former Green Lantern quite
sound, tying in his undeniably-strong willpower. The story's
raison d'etre, to explain why Green Lanterns aren't allowed on
Earth (Or is it United Planets space? I can't recall; Rond Vidar
says in v3 #51 that he's staying out of the UP entirely.) is a
dumb one, one which the lame story does not redeem at all. (For
that matter, just where did the "no Green Lanterns allowed on
30th-century Earth" idea first appear, anyway? Was it this very
story, in fact?)
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