Post by Ken ArromdeeDoes anyone else watch Doctor Who and think that some of the way
it's been written resembles V4 LSH, in that you have fans
controlling the plots, retconning things in, putting in fan theories
and writing Mary Sues, etc.?
I don't watch Doctor Who. However, as evinced by recent posts, I've
been lately thinking about the larger idea you raise, of how different
writers approach the work and the stylistic tools they use.
Retcons are an obvious and quantifiable example. Levitz's two runs on
the Legion totaled, what, eight or nine years, or about double that of
TMK's. Other than the (supremely elegant) Validus origin and Supergirl
as Brainy's motivation for time travel, I can't offhand think of a
single retcon from the Levitz years. Period. I'm sure other will now
respond with a half-dozen instances I'm forgetting, but my point would
still stand: Levitz certainly did not regularly use them as plot
points, and--with one major, involuntary exception--never as major
ones). Look at the major story arcs of his second run:
* The Great Darkness Saga
* Yera/Vi
* Omen/Prophet
* Ontiir/Dark Circle
* The LSH/LSV war
* "Who is Sensor Girl?"
* The Universo Project
* Superboy/Pocket Universe
* Starfinger II
* The Conspiracy
* The Magic Wars
Superboy/Pocket Universe was obviously dictated by outside forces
beyond even Levitz's control. Yera/Vi set in motion by Levitz before
Darkseid. Other than that, not a single retcon[1]. Note that Validus
isn't on the list; his origin only served as part of a single issue
that was meant to serve as a coda for the Great Darkness Saga, and
even that's arguable because he'd never had an origin of any kind
[1] Tying in Amethyst into the 30th century in v3 #63, the final issue
of Levitz's run and of the Magic Wars, is a small counterexample, but
perhaps a fitting one given that her first appearance was in a sampler
in v2 #298.
Now, look at TMK's run. My gosh, was there a single issue that didn't
have some kind of retcon, great (Proty II/Lightning Lad) or small
(Carggg), even after excluding Mon-El/Glorithverse in v4 #4-5?
Sometimes they used them well (Laurel Gand) and sometimes very, very
badly (Sean/Shvaughn), but there's no question TMK relied retcons as a
storytelling tool to a degree no other Legion creative team has done
before or since. As you say, classic fandom-theory Mary Sue-ish fan
writing writ incarnate.
Now, look at the list of Levitz-run storylines again. Were TMK to have
done them, it's a good bet that a majority of them would have involved
some Shocking Revelation:
* The Great Darkness Saga
* Yera/Vi (Vi's been an imposter for many years, not just more than a
year; this is why she fell out with Duplicate Boy during the
_Action_ years)
* Omen/Prophet
* Ontiir/Dark Circle
* The LSH/LSV war
* "Who is Sensor Girl?" (ripe with retcon potential from start to finish)
* The Universo Project
* Superboy/Pocket Universe (N/A)
* Starfinger II
* The Conspiracy (again chock-full of retcon-potential goodness)
* The Magic Wars
I invite others to come up with TMK-style retcon rewrites for the
others on the list.
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