Post by Michael S. SchifferPost by Wayne Garmil...
Post by Dan McEwenIt's up for debate. Mark Waid said that the current Legion is
the New Earth Legion. We know of three Legions at the moment
Lightning Saga gets Superman, reboot gets Superboy and threeboot
gets Supergirl. It's anyone's guess which is the "real" Legion.
Final Crisis will probably change everything once more.
Reboot is also the timeline that Iris West and Bart Allen are
from (and the timeline that Barry Allen moved to when he
"retired" prior to COIE).
Iris Allen's original 30th century, not terribly compatible with the
Legion's. (ISTR major shortages and everyone living in sealed
arcology-type buildings.)
The v.4 Legion future. (I don't recall if we saw the Tornado Twins
referred to prior to the Mordruverse issue, but they were definitely
killed in the Dominator occupation afterwards. Dominator
experimentation was, IIRC, the original cause of Bart's condition.)
Yes, The Tornado Twins were around before the 'Glorithverse'. Before v4,
they were unspecified decendents of Barry Allen who underwent some kind
of treatment to give them temporary superspeed powers so they could drum
up publicity for a new Flash Museum.
It was in v4 that the Twins were revealed to be Barry's children after
they were killed by the Dominator-controlled EarthGov simply to twist
Iris Allen's knickers, Don was the father of Barry Allen II (who was
never mentioned to have superpowers), not Bart. The Dominators aquired
the Twin's potentially Metagenetic (this was before the Speed Force)
cell samples after they were killed, modified them, and grafted them
onto an unknown woman (who would later be known as Rush), giving her
superspeed powers.
PostBoot, Mark Waid's writing both FLASH & both LEGION books and ties
Barry's legacy together as tight as he can: Don & Dawn are both tied to
the Speed Force now, although the LSH won't be around for another
generation (PreBoot, the Twins were contemporaries of the Legion). At
first, the Twins were killed by the Dominators (this was remarked in the
Legion books), but Iris and Jenni's father were able to hide Bart &
Jenni (although the Dominators caught up with Jenni later and awoke her
Speed Force link). Bart's Speed Force Link awoke almoke as soon as he
was out of the womb, thus requiring him to be taught via videogame. I
don't recall any mention of Rush, so she was probably swept away during
Zero Hour.
I don't think that there's been any mention of the Allen clan in the
WKRP Legion, but I lost intrest after #3. Can anybody out there help a
Fanboys. We're not sticklers for continuity so much as we're sticklers
for everything we love and care about not getting ruined.