I like Manapul's art ALOT better and I agree with the notion that the
redesigns by kitson were sad loss of an opportunity.
but story wise... I know it's a new writer but could they at least
WRITE their way around the few obstacles the previous writer left that
get in the way of whatever crappy plot in their head?! instead of
just pretending things never happened? I'm not talking about the
reboots, i'm just talking about Waid having a couple plates in the air
and Shooter maybe setting those plates on the ground instead of
letting them crash and ignoring them.
Example: Invisible Kid's portrayal is really... confusing. So he was
hella gay according to the DC encyclopedia. But... does that really
mean anything when, right before you show anything actually, obviously
gay, you hit the reset button? Anyways...
Ok, fine, he's reset. Then suddenly he had some creepy obsession with
Supergirl. Waid SHOWED it to us but then... nothing came of that. And
now in issue 37 he randomly gets the hots for background alien girl
number 3? He literally has not had one conversation with this
snowboarder alien girl, he just weirdly gets choked up when he thinks
she's dead. That's... crappy writing to me. Ok, fine, make him
straight, but at least make some sort of sense when you do it.
I think Legion's big problem is Too-Many-Characters-Itis, where they
spread themselves too thin trying to get characters in that you don't
care about, all the while trying to stuff more and more characters
into it. 38 just vomited a handful of new characters and all I was
thinking was "How much do I not care about these guys. I will NEVER
care about these guys and eve if I did, I'd be more annoyed that they
will get, at most, three panels of time."