On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 12:09:53 -0400, Wayne Garmil
Post by Wayne GarmilI figured referring to my first Legion story by its title would be
better than just saying "Superboy #195".
...Actually, most LSH fans would have probably realized which issue
that was right off the bat. As I pointed out numerous times around
here - especially when Waid pulled his first reboot scam on us - the
only difference between LSH fans and Trekkies is that we're apparently
too lazy to picket the DC offices demanding that the book be restored
to its former, pre "Five-Year Crap" glory :-(
Post by Wayne GarmilNice to see others did
remember the title of ERG-1's intro story. I honestly don't remember
if he was meant to be a one-time-only character or if he was always
meant to come back.
...Been a lot of debate about that over the three decades since Drake
first appeared. Even Dave Cochrum waffled back and forth between
"one-shot brought back by fan response" and "he was always intended to
come back" over the years. To be honest, tho, if fan response really
had that much of an impact, Polar Boy would have become a full member
along with Arm-Fall-Off Boy :-P
Post by Wayne GarmilI think that DC got a lot of positive fan mail so
they decided to bring him back in Superboy #201 after the fact. Either
way, I can say that I joined the Legion at the same time Wildfire did,
and it gives me a good mark for when I started with the Legion.
...My own introduction was "Adventure" #317:
...This was one of the John Forte-era stories that Jim Shooter would
later "re-image" into a better story, but it was my jumping-on point
for the Legion. After this - and despite the horrible, petrified,
suitable-only-for-Bizarro-Tales John Forte art - I was hooked, and for
the rest of their run on "Adventure" I caught every single issue off
the newsstand and spinner rack *except* for the second part of the
"Four Legionnaires" story, which I never got the chance to read until
almost 15 years later when I discovered there was a comic shop in town
that sold back issues!
...The irony that strikes me years later about this cover is that
"Bouncing Baby" reminds me a lot of Herbie Popnecker. Since that
realization, I've had this rather odd theory that Chuck Taine's powers
stemmed less from drinking a super-elastic formula, and more from the
fact that he was a descendant of the Fat Fury :-)
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