Silver Age
(too old to reply)
2007-07-11 18:36:03 UTC
Anybody out there a LSH fan from the Silver Age ? Adventure Comics
from #300 till 372 ???
That was the Legion !!!
Wayne S Garmil
2007-07-12 17:39:54 UTC
Post by Jobro
Anybody out there a LSH fan from the Silver Age ? Adventure Comics
from #300 till 372 ???
That was the Legion !!!
I read them as back issues in the mid-70's. I discovered Legion when
Wildfire was introduced in Superboy #195 (buying it every issue
starting with S/LSH #200) but found a way to get most of the Adventure
run or reprints of those stories. That was a fantastic time to be
reading the Legion. I enjoyed those stories more than I did the
current stories at that time. When I lost my first comic collection
to a flooded basement right after high school, those were the issues I
was really sorry for loosing.

_ __ _ __ | I see the girls walk by dressed in
' ) / // / / ) / | their summer clothes; I have to turn
/ / / o // __/ / __. __ __/ | my head until my darkness goes...
(_(_/ <_</_(_/ (__/ (_/|_/ (_(_/_ | -Rolling Stones, "Paint It Black"
2007-07-12 19:14:54 UTC
Amen! I go back to 1964 as far as actually being able to read comics,
earlier for looking at them. One of my first comcs was an Adventure
Legion, and for about a year after I thought Mon-El and Superboy were
brothers (because I knew Suerboy was Kal-El even then). Finally got the
back story then. So I've been around awhile, I'm sure some can beat me.
YKW '06
2007-07-13 19:55:45 UTC
Post by Jobro
Anybody out there a LSH fan from the Silver Age ? Adventure Comics
from #300 till 372 ???
That was the Legion !!!
Not "from" then, but I did discover the 1960s LSH in ADVENTURE COMICS -- in
the 1980s ADVENTURE digests that reprinted multiple LSH stories in sequence
(as well as the quarterly all-LSH digest specials that'd drop like 96 or
128 pages of John Forte goodness down my willing gullet.

Can't say that was my favorite Legion era (especially as, at the same time,
I was reading the early Levitz/Giffen version) but it -did- get me seeking
out other earlier Legion material (at one time, I had collected all but the
first LEGION OUTPOST on the secondary market!).
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