Which Earth is each Legion from?
(too old to reply)
2008-07-08 16:07:24 UTC
As we all know by now, Final Crisis will contain a mini-series Legion
of Three Worlds. This is to define on which Earth each of the three
canonical Legions come from. So I am going to speculate:

Original Legion: Earth-1. This is where they were from originally,
and this is where they belong. There is one hitch to this: the New
Earth Superman was a part of this Legion. So I speculate that using a
Time Bubble also crosses universes and that can't be avoided.

Zero Hour Legion: New Earth. This is the same timeline that Impulse
comes from, and is too ingrained with current day New Earth history.
These Legionaires also spent a significant amount of time in current
day DCU, so it fits that they are the ones who's future goes along
with New Earth. Kon-El was also part of this Legion.

Current Legion (Waid/Kitson version): Earth-2. They still have a
history of a heroic age during current times, but no direct ties.
When Supergirl was zapped into the 31st century at the end of Inifine
Crisis, I speculate she was shunted from modern day New Earth to
Earth-2's future. It is possible this Legion is not from Earth-2 but
another similar Earth, but not New Earth or Earth-1. From what we
have seen, it also can not be Earth-3 (no heroes, although maybe we
will get a Legion of Super-Villains from there), Earth-10 (pre-COIE
Earth-X), Earth-15 (destroyed by Prime), or Earth-51 (no life left in
this universe). I don't think they will be from Earth-5 (Shazam) but
nothing I can think of actually prevents it, that is just speculation.

So what do other people think??

"By the time one can afford the wardrobe, the opportunity to make the
most of it is usually fading away."
--- responce to my statement "I am still asking the same questions
I did a decade ago, but at least now I can afford the wardrobe."
2008-07-09 03:17:03 UTC
Post by WildCard
As we all know by now, Final Crisis will contain a mini-series Legion
of Three Worlds. This is to define on which Earth each of the three
Original Legion: Earth-1. This is where they were from originally,
and this is where they belong. There is one hitch to this: the New
Earth Superman was a part of this Legion. So I speculate that using a
Time Bubble also crosses universes and that can't be avoided.
Zero Hour Legion: New Earth. This is the same timeline that Impulse
comes from, and is too ingrained with current day New Earth history.
These Legionaires also spent a significant amount of time in current
day DCU, so it fits that they are the ones who's future goes along
with New Earth. Kon-El was also part of this Legion.
Current Legion (Waid/Kitson version): Earth-2. They still have a
history of a heroic age during current times, but no direct ties.
When Supergirl was zapped into the 31st century at the end of Inifine
Crisis, I speculate she was shunted from modern day New Earth to
Earth-2's future. It is possible this Legion is not from Earth-2 but
another similar Earth, but not New Earth or Earth-1. From what we
have seen, it also can not be Earth-3 (no heroes, although maybe we
will get a Legion of Super-Villains from there), Earth-10 (pre-COIE
Earth-X), Earth-15 (destroyed by Prime), or Earth-51 (no life left in
this universe). I don't think they will be from Earth-5 (Shazam) but
nothing I can think of actually prevents it, that is just speculation.
So what do other people think??
It's already been said repeatedly in interviews that the current
Legion (Waid/Kitson version) is from new earth.

It seems likely that the "original" Legion (or rather the version
shown recently in the Lightning Saga and Action Comics that resembles
the original) is actually from the Kingdom Come earth as their Starboy
went back in time and became the Kingdom Come Starman before moving
over to new earth and joining the JSA...but this could still turn out
otherwise...DC, however, can't even make up their mind if there is an
earth-1 in the new multiverse (or if new earth takes it's place in the
hierachy) so it's unlikely that this Legion comes from E-1.

As for the Zero Hour version, they haven't even been seen since the
multiverse was restored so they could turn out to be from any number
of earths...that Impulse came from that Legion and ended up on new
earth doesn't necessarily mean anything as the new earth Superman has
a history with the "original" Legion (not to mention the previously
mentioned Star Boy) and the new earth SuperGIRL has a history with the
Waid/Kitson version...meaning that all three versions have crossed
with new earth...regardless of which earth their respective timelines
come from.
2008-07-10 02:12:38 UTC
Post by WildCard
Current Legion (Waid/Kitson version): Earth-2. They still have a
history of a heroic age during current times, but no direct ties.
...Nope. This was Earth-51, and since Earth-51 was destroyed in
"Countdown", it no longer exists - or will no longer exist when the
Shooter run finishes - and we'll never have to deal with it again. As
it should be.

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