Did I hear correctly?
(too old to reply)
2009-01-16 19:46:04 UTC
[crossposts added]
When Saturn girl was holding the "Brainiac" material in her hand at the
very end....
did she (or one of the others) say something to the effect of "we will
examine this, figure out how it worked and maybe create a Brainiac 5"?
Not exactly. She said they'd use the material and hopefully Brainiac
5 would turn out to be on the right side or more helpful or some
such, signifying that there will be a Brainiac 2, 3 and 4 in the interim
that were bad. Another possibility is that in the Smallverse Brainiacs
1 through 4 are the variations we've already seen. Really it's just a
nod to the Brainiac 5 character (a well known Legion member) and
how he/it will come to exist in the Smallverse.

Just as more fodder for how this episode will be viewed, when I
checked the IMDb this morning and again just now there are 17
votes, which is still very early and self-selected and all the rest.
But it is tied for #1 among all episodes. The eternal critic Anim8r
is giving it a best ever here. I liked it and I stopped watching the
show this season. :-) So if Warners is looking for a replacement
series I suggest Supergirl and the Legion, a new series not spinoff
though the casting could stay as is. Anchor it in present day with
Supergirl's story but the Legion is half of it.
Michael Urban
2009-01-16 22:35:32 UTC
Post by KalElFan
Just as more fodder for how this episode will be viewed, when I
checked the IMDb this morning and again just now there are 17
votes, which is still very early and self-selected and all the rest.
But it is tied for #1 among all episodes. The eternal critic Anim8r
is giving it a best ever here. I liked it and I stopped watching the
show this season. :-)
Heck, I liked it, and I stopped watching Smallville years ago
(and didn't understand all the long-arc elements, but that made
little difference). I read Silver Age comics as a kid, and it
warmed my heart to see the Original Three Legionnaires on the
screen. Somewhere inside of me, a ten-year-old boy was jumping
around gleefully!

I don't know that I'd care to see a series, though.
2009-01-17 01:59:42 UTC
Post by Michael Urban
Post by KalElFan
Just as more fodder for how this episode will be viewed, when I
checked the IMDb this morning and again just now there are 17
votes, which is still very early and self-selected and all the rest.
But it is tied for #1 among all episodes. The eternal critic Anim8r
is giving it a best ever here. I liked it and I stopped watching the
show this season. :-)
Heck, I liked it, and I stopped watching Smallville years ago
(and didn't understand all the long-arc elements, but that made
little difference). I read Silver Age comics as a kid, and it
warmed my heart to see the Original Three Legionnaires on the
screen. Somewhere inside of me, a ten-year-old boy was jumping
around gleefully!
I don't know that I'd care to see a series, though.
I wouldn't care to see a Legion series on its own because I'd
expect it to get old fast. It needs to somehow be anchored
to the present. Even the original Legion was anchored with
Superboy, as well as Mon-El's backstory via the present and
then the Phantom Zone before a cure for his lead poisoning
was found.

The anchoring element needs to be there in a TV series too.
Superboy is a problem because of the court case and because
of Smallville, so the obvious alternative is Supergirl.

The problem with getting too much more specific than that
is it arguably makes it less likely to happen for legal reasons.
But it could work beautifully if done right. Imagine a
Smallville-like Supergirl series where she's recruited as
a member but remains based in the present. Perhaps the
three characters we saw last night also establish present-
day identities for the time(s) when they need to be here.

If you're the writer or viewer of an SF story, the wider
the storytelling scope the better. There'd be an overall
series arc that would involve Supergirl's membership in
the Legion (the reason for that) and her relationship to
the other members, including Mon-El. In fact they
could even adapt the original Mon-El story first, but
with Supergirl in the Superboy role. She could think
he was another "El" cousin. They could then change
his name to the modern comic one once it's discovered
in that first story he isn't from Krypton but its neighbor
planet Daxam. Then off he goes to the Phantom Zone.

They've had the Supergirl and the Legion comic and
all I've done is allude to their own heritage stories to
point the way. After establishing it, as or more key
to the series success would be the range of episodic
missions. Instead of the series limited to fighting Lena
Luthor's evil plans, or Brainiac or Mxy or other villains
we've seen in Superman and Smallville many times,
there's this whole other part of the storytelling that's
opened up. Supergirl, Mon-El and a few other
Legion members doing that ring-raising exit thing and
off they go to whatever mission. It's too good a
storytelling toolbox not to have.

Oliver Queen, played by Hartley even, would also
be possible as part of the present-day story. The
casting could be familiar and anyone who wants to
can think of it as a different timeline that sometimes
has that similarity to Smallville. Or they could recast,
but storywise I think a clean reboot from Smallville is
necessary. We're not alone as ex-Smallville viewers.
There are 5 million of them, many more if occasional
viewers are included who didn't quite like it enough
to watch. If the show is billed as a Smallville spinoff
it's DOA out of the gate, because not only will non-
Smallville-viewer appeal be cut off but millions who
rejected Smallville will be dissuaded as well.

It has to be marketed as a brand new series, not a
spinoff. Those out of the Smallville loop won't even
know the casting has overlapped if that's the way
they go. Those in the Smallville loop especially at
this late stage are unlikely to not watch because of
carryover casting. If anything, they're more likely
to though I suspect they're just hardcore comic book
TV series viewers. So I think preserving casting is
on balance a plus, but marketing it as a rebooted
new series with no story relationship to Smallville.
2009-02-04 07:12:50 UTC
Actually, I think they were referring to various incarnations of
Brainiac in the series smallville itself:

Original 1.0,

2.0 being Brainy after he upgraded himself by eating his creator,

I guess 3.0 being Chloiac, and

4.0 being Brainy after eating the fortress of solitude.

Or that's my guess anyway.
