Rob Jensen
2008-12-27 20:37:52 UTC
1) Killing of characters you didn't care about (Tornado Twins).
...More notorious in this with Karate Kid. Three times now.2) Retroactive continuity with the Dominator LSH. A suspended animation
baby LSH which you intended to make the REAL LSH?
3) Stupid character names (I talking to you B.I.O.N.)
4) Whacked-out character revelations (Shvaughn Erin)
...These were the Bierbaums' plotting as the guilty culprit. By thebaby LSH which you intended to make the REAL LSH?
3) Stupid character names (I talking to you B.I.O.N.)
4) Whacked-out character revelations (Shvaughn Erin)
time these occurred, Giffen was pretty much letting those two dipshits
do what they wanted with the occasional nudge here and there. If you
really want to nail him for something, there was the "hat trick" he
wanted to pull to determine which of the originals and which of the
SW6 batch would survive, by litterally pulling their names out of a
hat. That got derailed when the Bierbaums were fired off the book,
thank God/Yahweh/Roddenberry.
almost twenty years to figure it out, but the "SW6" designation is the
zip code for London.
("Wow! I could have had a V8!" Err . . . SW6?")
-- Rob