On Sun, 15 Jun 2008 13:15:06 -0700 (PDT), Aaron Forever
Post by Aaron Foreverstill drop by to read occasionally. until recently, i hadn't bought a
comic in almost 2 years, so i didn't have much to contribute to the
current discussions. i've started buying the trades now, though.
...In order:
1) Nothing wrong with lurking. I've been doing that on a couple of rec
groups that I have an interest in, but actively don't participate in
the hobby these days for any combination of several reasons: time,
distance, cash resources, and now missing one leg. Still allows me to
keep up with the latest goings-on, tho.
2) Personally, I predict that within the next two decades - yeah,
it'll take that long - regular monthly comics will be replaced with
online versions, which will be regularly compiled into trades and
omnibi(*). The reason it will take 20 years is that either the comics
or the monitors must finally shift from a portrait to a landscape
format, and from a cost perspective it'll probably have to be the
comics. With every monitor design shifting from the 4:3 "VGA" or TV
standard format to 16:9 HD or "Widescreen" format, odds are really,
*really* slim - no pun intended - that the standards will pivot by
90deg anytime soon. If there was any chance, Radius would have owned
the monitor market years ago.
(*) Omnis or Omnibis? I've heard both, but the argument against the
former is that some could be confused by the fact that there used to
be a magazine called "Omni". Those not familiar with it should know
that it was a science magazine put out by Bob Guccione, publisher of
"Penthouse". That magazine held a fond spot in my heart, because I
used it to mess with the minds of my teachers in high school and in my
freshman year at Texas U - it had the same size and shape as an issue
of "Penthouse", so if I took off the cover or held it just right, from
three or four rows back it looked as if I were looking at the
centerfold of some chick with great airbrushed fake tits and trying to
hide the fact. I had one old bat that *nobody* could stand send
several students to the dean for reading "Omni" in class, and actually
got reprimanded for it. Needless to say she was nudged into retirement
at the end of the year :-)
If only someone had done that to Guccioni's daughter before she took
over the magazine and ran it into the toilet. Damn [unstatable
expletive]..:-( :-(
] OMBlog - http://www.io.com/~o_m/omworld [
] Let's face it: Sometimes you *need* [
] an obnoxious opinion in your day! [